Kurt Vonnegut Motivational Posters
|Even in the face of adversity and morbidity, Kurt Vonnegut manages to be satirical, sarcastic, and yet precise. Someone once said that nobody says it better than Kurt. And boy, the man was witty. Nobody could say the things he did and get away with it. That privilege is reserved for Kurt himself.
People follow his novels because of his perfect blend of sarcasm, gallows humor, and science fiction. People ought to take his word to heart. He may not have the cult following of Ron Hubbard, but the man is undoubtedly a visionary in his own right. He saw the world the way it should be seen and said things that may sound simplistic at times. But when you take a closer look at what he said, you’ll come to realize that no one made better sense than him.
Kurt deserves a place in history, and not because he changed the world with his beliefs. Rather, he shocked people with his unique writing style and sense of humor. And that’s what made many of us respect this outlandish man who’s now at the pearly gates, probably in a heated debate with St. Peter, no less.

This is also when you’ll come to realize two things: you’re getting old and that some of your friends are way more successful than you can ever be.

Accept life just as it is. You become repressed if you deny the truth. Just take a look at the folks who lived in the Victorian ages. They had sex but were too embarrassed to admit it.

Is this how people who come back from the dead feel? Damn, why’d you resuscitate me? I was about to walk towards the light!

Just go for it. The world could use one more talented person! There are enough idiots as it is.

This was the advice that a protagonist from his novel gave when he attended a baptism. It sounds ludicrous, but hey, the man was at least honest. And he was keenly accurate! If only the babies could understand…

There’s always comfort in the thought of someone going through something worse. Just be grateful that your life isn’t televised. Your misery would be someone’s comedy!

And just too damned lazy! You always assume that others can do it for you instead.

You get to save on tissue if you just learn to laugh at everything. The next time you tear up, think of the folks who have it worse and laugh at your own ignorance. This should work!

We beg to differ. Life began when a pirate had his first sip of rum.

Television did make everything black and white. There’s no gray area; only tough decisions regarding which side to pick.

If they dare tell you off, then fart in their faces.
Thank you, Kurt, for these pearls of wisdom. You didn’t take bullshit from anyone and you’ve shown everyone that it’s best to follow in your footsteps. Curse those who try to steal your thunder and manipulate how you truly feel!