How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
|Currently, the world is facing a common crisis. We are all trying to stop COVID-19 from spreading. While the government is taking efforts and putting precautions in place to curb it, it is our responsibility as well to be safe and do everything we can to stop it from spreading.
Here are some of the main things you need to do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as guided by the World Health Organization.

Wash Your Hands Frequently
Our hands touch a lot of things and, as a result, pick up a lot of bacterias and viruses. We then proceed to touch our skin with the same hands causing the virus to enter our body. To prevent that from happening, we need to wash our hands frequently with soap and water. If you are outdoors, use an alcohol-based sanitizer to rub your hands clean.
Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
As I mentioned earlier, our hands are dirty from touching various surfaces. Touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with the same hands makes it easier for the virus to enter our body and infect us.
If you can’t stop yourself from touching your face, or you are sick, or you are taking care of someone, then you need to wear a mask. Here’s when and how to wear a mask, and how to discard one after use.
When to Wear a Mask:
- If you are healthy, then you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a sick person or someone suspected of having COVID-19 infection.
- If you are coughing or sneezing, then wear a mask.
How to Wear a Mask:
- Before putting on a mask, make sure to clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Make sure that the mask covers your nose and mouth, and there are no gaps between your mask and face. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose.
- If your mask feels damp, replace it with a new one.
- Do not reuse the single-use mask.
How to Discard a Mask:
- Remove it from behind without touching the front of the mask.
- Discard immediately in a closed dustbin.
- Clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Cover Your Cough Using the Bend of Your Elbow or a Tissue
The bend of our elbows is the part we do not touch that often. So, instead of sneezing or coughing in your palm, do it in the bend of your elbow or arm so that you don’t rub it on your face. Carry tissues for a safer method of containing droplets.
Avoid Crowded Places and Close Contact With Anyone Who Has a Fever or Cough
Since this is contagious and spreads through contact, it is better to stay away from crowded places, so as to not pick up the virus if anyone has it. Social distancing is advised. Maintain distance, especially from people who are sick.
Stay at Home if You Feel Unwell
You might feel fine, and you might be able to go to work. Your immune system might be strong enough to fight it off if you get infected, but that is not the case for a lot of people. You do not want to give it to someone who won’t be able to fight it. It is not only about you, but also about being responsible. Stay at home if you feel unwell.
If You Have a Fever, Cough, and Difficulty in Breathing, Then Seek Medical Care Early – But Call First
Feeling unwell can be seasonal, tiredness, or something else, but if it feels too much like the symptoms of COVID-19, then make sure to get it checked.
Get Information From Trusted Sources
When the public panics and doesn’t understand what is happening, a lot of rumors and misinformation starts making rounds. Be sure to take everything with a pinch of salt. Rely on trusted sources to get your information, not some random social media comment. Do your research before you believe anything.