How Many Drinks Can Men and Women Drink Per Day
|If you think you have been going heavy on alcohol lately and want to slow down or if you are trying to cut back alcohol – knowing what the safe number is for your body to not take the hit is a smart move. I have talked about steps to cut back on alcohol but even if you are not looking to do that, knowing when to stop is always a help. If you are an occasional drinker, even then it doesn’t hurt to know how much your body can take before it starts to get problematic.

Men and Women have different capacities in terms of alcohol consumption, much like your diet. Our bodies handle drinks differently, they react to drinks differently. Our body needs are different and so is the safe number of drinks that one can consume.
For men, four or fewer drinks per day are said to be safe. That being said, it does not mean that your body can take four drinks every day. If you dranks four or fewer standard drinks every day of the week then that would make your alcohol consumption to come around 28 drinks per week.
Low-risk alcohol is less than 14 drinks during a given week. If you followed just the day guideline and drank every day, you will still be consuming more than twice the recommended intake and if you followed just the weekly guideline and ended up drinking 14 drinks in a day, arguing that you won’t be drinking for the rest of the week, you still are going to end up in a problem.
As adviced by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), to remain low-risk, both the daily guideline of four or fewer drinks and weekly guidelines of less than 14 drinks must be followed.
For women, three or fewer drinks per day are said to be safe. Women tend to develop alcohol problems faster than men because of their body composition. There are many studies that show that comparatively at a much lower level of alcohol consumption women will succumb to alcohol-related problems.
The daily and weekly guideline is way different than that of men for women. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), to remain low-risk, both the daily guideline of three or fewer drinks and weekly guidelines of less than 7 drinks must be followed.
Again, you cannot just follow one. I know sometimes only 2-3 drinks a day seems less. While not recommended going a little more once in a month is fine but still maintaining the weekly count will help your body more. Not drinking daily is a start, because even two drinks in one day will bring you to double the amount of weekly intake your body can deal with safely.
Final Thought
The occasional party won’t hurt but when you drink regularly and use alcohol as a stress-buster, knowing the effects it can have on your body and knowing the low-risk count to drown your sorrows in is important. Know your body and stay safe!