CBD: Eat It, Rub It On, Vape It, or Patch It?
|With so many CBD products, depending on your use of application, what’s the best way to use CBD and is one way more effective than others?
Will you vape it, rub it or have it in form delicious edibles? There are various options when it comes to the best way to use CBD. With its benefits on pain relevel among many others, one of the top benefits of CBD is that you can consume it in various ways.

It also has therapeutic effects, helping to reduce anxiety and induce sleep in case you have insomnia. With so many CBD products available in the market, you get to choose your mode of application.
Read on to find out what method of application will be the most effective solution for you.
Benefits of Using CBD
CBD has no psychoactive effect and has many medicinal uses. It has various properties that enable it to be used as an anti-tumoral, anti-convulsant, anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anti-tumoral, or as an analgesic.
CBD comes in various forms and with that, the ways to consume it are vast. Here is a list of the ways in which you can use CBD:
- To reduce nausea and vomiting
- To reduce the symptoms of Crohn’s disease
- To treat Multiple Sclerosis
- To treat psychotic disorders
- To manage acne
- To help you as you quit smoking
- To reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
- To reduce tumors
- To kill cancer cells
- To alleviate Alzheimer’s disease
- To reduce inflammation bowel syndrome (IBS)
- To manage post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- To alleviate fibromyalgia
- To treat lupus
Best Ways to Use CBD and CBD Products
There are different forms in which you can take CBD and they have varying levels of effectiveness. They also have varying durations over which the effect will be felt and last.
The following are some of the best ways to take CBD, depending on the purpose.
Under the Tongue
Sublingual (under the tongue) administration of CBD is effective for patients who are suffering from inflammation or chronic pain. The administration of tinctures and CBD oils is by using a dropper and they are put under the tongue. CBD oil contains CBD and a carrier oil (hemp seed oil, coconut oil, or MCT).
Tinctures contain additional ingredients like artificial flavors, vinegar, vegetable glycerin alcohol, or ethanol.
The effects take place within a period of 20-40 minutes. You can also use CBD oil for dogs to calm your dog if it gets aggressive or if it is suffering from a condition that causes it to have chronic pain.
CBD can be ingested when added to beverages or foods. Such drinks and foods are referred to as edibles. You can purchase edibles or make them for yourself.Edibles are among the most common form of consumption of CBD products.
To make CBD-infused drinks and foods, you can add the tinctures and CBD oils to baked pastries, coffee, or smoothies. However, you should avoid applying high heat to the CBD oil as this will result give it an unpleasant taste.
Tasty treats have can be whipped up using CBD as one of the ingredients. Raw honey has many health benefits and by infusing CBD, you get to maintain your health and vitality by using this easy approach of using CBD.
You may start experiencing the effects within 2 hours. If you would like to give your dog CBD without forcing its mouth open or cause it to be uneasy. Giving it CBD edibles is the best way to go.
While CBD is the main ingredient, you can add other nutritious ingredients to the edibles and give the treat an overall boost.
You can also do the same with capsules. These are the perfect sleeping pills because they help you to have uninterrupted sleep and keep off the factors that may interrupt your sleep. Chronic pain, stress, and anxiety are some of the causes of insomnia.
REM is a sleep disorder in which your body is paralyzed during sleep and you are unable to make a physical reaction to dreams. The use of CBD helps in reducing REM.
Topical Application
To treat inflammation, pain caused by arthritis, and sore muscles, you can apply creams and lotions infused with CBD on the affected body parts. This is an effective option of working on a painting body part.
The topical CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors under the skin. In a study done on rats in 2015, the researchers found that the application of topical CBD reduced inflammation and pain (observed by
The effect of applying topical CBD products can take place within an hour and it lasts up to 5hours. Therefore, in case you have pains on your skin or muscle aches, CBD can serve as a great painkiller.CBD has been seen to help reduce pain associated with all types of pains.
Small adhesives called CBD skin patches or transdermal patches can be used to deliver CBD through your skin. They cross the dermal barrier and enter into your bloodstream. Your body heat then activates them.
This then results in the release of small amounts of CBD. The effect lasts for an extensive period of time, just like the topical products (4-6 hours). If you are suffering from pain caused by arthritis, putting transdermal patches will be the most effective way to use CBD oil.
The two types of CBD skin patches are matrix patches and reservoir patches. CBD is infused on the adhesive layer of the matrix patches. Reservoir patches, just like their name, have a small reservoir that holds the CBD.
This CBD is mixed with a gel solution. If you would like to have a steady amount of CBD released over a longer period, you may opt for reservoir patches since they are more controlled.
Vaporizing is not as discreet as the other methods of consuming CBD but it is the most effective since the CBD gets into your bloodstream almost immediately. You inhale the CBD through a vape pen or vape. A vape is a tool, which heats up the CBD so that it can be inhaled.
Your lungs then absorb the inhaled CBD and to experience a continued effect, you will need to take additional doses. Vaping is considered a fun activity among users but if you are new to it, you may take some time to get used to this method.
Vaping can be used to manage anxiety and bring you to a place and state of peace. CBD is effective in naturally reducing stress because it reduces the levels of the stress hormone (cortisol). Some manufacturers have come up with good designs of vapes which can meet your style and preference.
Does CBD Have Any Effects?
You may now know the ways that CBD can be used but still have the main concern: ‘What will CBD do to me?’ The fact is that CBD oil has many benefits, mostly medicinal, and has no bad effects. It is extracted, possessed, and consumed legally since it lacks THC.
You may consult with your doctor before you include CBD in your regimen. Epidiolex, which was approved by the FDA, has known effects such as rashes and infections, breathing problems, liver issues, gastrointestinal issues, and reduced appetite. You can heal without being addicted to it because it has no addictive effect.
The more you use it, the better you get, and the better effect it has on what ails you. It has no psychoactive effect so your mind stays clear and it helps you to steer clear of the pain, stress, anxiety or insomnia that makes you uncomfortable.
CBD can also be used to counter the psychoactive effects of THC.
You should not give your pet THC because it has psychoactive effects. On the other hand, CBD can be of great benefit to dogs that have conditions such as epilepsy, arthritis or anxiety, or suffer from skin problems.
Under no situation should you give your dog THC because of the psychoactive effect which may result in you dealing with a hyperactive dog.
Tip: When you are purchasing CBD oil, you should always check the method of extraction. This is because the method of extraction has a direct relation to the effectiveness of the cannabinoid. The use of heat during extraction lowers the effectiveness of CBD.
Natural extraction using carbon dioxide ensures that the extract will be pure.As you can see, the best way to use CBD depends on what problem you would like to solve (pain, anxiety or insomnia) and how quick and lasting you would like to have the effects affect you or your pet. The best way to use CBD is best determined by the condition at hand.
Make Your CBD Product Work by Choosing the Best Way to Use CBD
Some conditions may cause pain and discomfort and you may have the solution in your hand. You may possibly have CBD oil products in single or different forms. Choose the best way to use CBD depending on your preferences.
Research the benefits of CBD and the different methods of consumption available to you.
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